My Aquarium Restoration 2021

I guess im almost complete on my aquarium restoration process and im almost satisfied with it. I think there are some little things to do now like repalcing the overhead tubings as it has holes in it that is why it is currently submerged.

But overall i think almost 90 percent of the species i wanted for my community tank is here. I have Red Tail Flags, Bala Shark, Delhezi Bichir, Silver Dollar and a Clown Loach. They look small but they will start to grow in a few months I might remove some if needed.

If im not mistaken this is my third restoration already the first one was ravaged by typhoon Ondoy. The second one was I dont know maybe of neglect :( and now this is my 3rd hopefully would keep for a long time. 

For now in a few months time i think ill be ready to setup my African Tank or perhaps a Marine Tank next who knows but will definitely venture out to more tanks.
